About Us
As with any organization, in order to obtain our goals of education and promotion, it requires many hands. Our current board members dedicate their time to the growth of our Association. This means not only bringing new members in, and helping each member to increase their knowledge of all things sheep and fiber related, but also to help promote and market our lamb, and fiber. Our current board members are:
Claire Houlihan, President
Heidi Simmons, Vice President
Mary Drumm, Secretary
Suzanne Muldoon, Treasurer
Bruce McCord
Mary Stephens
Margey Hedges
Chris Shave
Sue Rugar
Brent Zimmerman
Gillian Ferguson
Lauren Drum
4-H Club Representatives
Golden Fleece Leaders:
Jason & Jen McCord
845 242 5478
Brendan Hegarty
Fair Board Representative
Bruce McCord
Sheep and Wool Festival Chairperson
Nena Johnson email: nena.johnson@gmail.com