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2024 DCSWGA Highlights
Nine farms participated in the Spring Farm Tour, with our Wool Ambassador Katie Drum
assisting with an arts and crafts project at Black Sheep Farm.
The Wool Pool subsidy benefited members as we match Bartlett’s price, up to 250 lbs.
For most members, this covers the cost of membership.
We were able to support the following groups: 4-H, all four local FFA chapters, the All-
American Sheep Show, gold sponsor at the Northeast Youth Sheep Show, ENY show
(with funds earmarked for the market lamb show), and the Make It With Wool Show.
We sponsored the Skil-A-Thon at the All-American Sheep Show; 578 exhibitors from 29
states participated. We had an essay contest with two winners, Katie Drum and
Jackson Crisp receiving scholarships to help defray the costs of attending the All-
American Sheep Show. Our education scholarships were awarded this year to Ashley
Keck and Kathryn Tibbetts, and we continued support for existing scholarship recipients.
Fiber education classes continued, with visible mending, basketmaking and other
topics. Our rughooking group continues to meet twice a month.
Dutchess Fair was successful, with livestock shows, sheep shearing, and Wool Room
demonstrations and exhibits of juried garments and fleeces. We hosted an activity for
4-H and member youth at the Fair – special tee shirts with the Festival logo were
decorated with fabric markers.
MPI increased for those participating at the Fairs. $10/entry at the Dutchess and
Columbia County Wool Rooms, and $20/head for those showing at Dutchess, Columbia
and the Festival.
Membership hosted a Food Truck social at Wilcox Park which was very well-received.
We had 30,000 paying attendees at the NYS Sheep and Wool Festival. Breed Barn
participants at the Festival saw an increase in their stipend for participating. The used
fiber and equipment auction had the most consigned items ever, and was very
successful. Backyard Green Films live-streamed the Festival both days, and the
content may be found on their Youtube channel, Backyard Green Films.
The Annual Dinner was held November 2 at The Pond in Ancramdale. Regina Embler
received the Lifetime Achievement Award, and Jen & Jason McCord received the
Shepherd of the Year Award. Wil-Hi Farm supplied the lamb. Dr. Rachel Gately was
the speaker, highlighting AI for sheep. A good time was had by all.
Our Fall Farm Tour will be November 30. Hope to see some of you there supporting
your fellow members.
Contact Dutchess County Sheep & Wool Growers Association
PO Box 415, Red Hook, NY 12571